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How much room do I need for a pool table?

The first thing to consider when thinking about creating a pool room is the space. You need enough space to allow for players to shoot from all sides of the pool table. Here we help you consider what size room is needed for different sized pool tables.  Keep in mind over 80% of all people have at least one "tight" spot in their room where they need a short pool cue.  By using the following guidelines very carefully you can figure out where the tight spot is going to be and if it will make having a table in the room less fun.  At the end of the day what we really care about is if you can have fun playing on a pool table in this room.

We are often asked about Regulation Size Pool Tables.  This refers to a 4 1/2 foot by 9 foot tournament pool table like you see on ESPN.  It requires a much larger room than a 7 foot table as shown in the chart below.  The confusion is that any table where the play surface is twice as long as it is wide can be considered a "regulation" table.  Most people put what is called a "Home Eight" table in their home.

Remember you are not measuring for a pool table so much as you are measuring for the pool cues around a pool table.  How close the butt of the cue is to the wall will make a big difference on how much fun you will have playing the game.  Standard 2 piece cues measure at least 58 inches in length. The pool room size needed then is the length of the pool table plus 2 times the length of the cue and the width of the pool table plus 2 times the length of the cue.

Lets look at an example. You have a room with an available area measuring 16 feet 8 inches by 14 feet. This is 200 inches long by 168 inches wide. We know the length of our cue is 58 inches for each side of the pool table, or 116 inches, so the room length, 200 inches minus 116 cue inches equals 84 inches for allowed for the length of the pool table. The width of the room at 168 inches minus twice the cue length, 116 inches equals 52 inches allowed for the width of the pool table.

Your space can fit a pool table 84 inches long and 52 inches wide. Standard pool table sizes are 7 foot, 8 foot, 8 1/2 foot and 9 foot long. Your space would best fit a 7 foot table.  Always use the ACTUAL PLAYING SURFACE dimensions to represent the pool table in your room, not 4' by 8' rectangles!

Here is a chart of standard table sizes and Ideal Suggested Room Dimensions.

Table Size Ideal Room Size for 58" Cues Actual Playing surface
3.5' x 7' 16' 2" x 13' 1" 39" x 78"
4' x 8' 17'  x 13' 4" 44" x 88"
4.25' x 8.5' 17' 4" x 14' 46" x 92"
4.5' x 9' 18'  x 14' 50" x 100"

Keep in mind these dimensions are for using a standard 58" 2 piece cue. If you use a shorter cue you will be able to use a smaller space.  It is actually not too bad shooting with a short cue some of the time, provided the short cue is not less than 48".

Check out our Best Selling Pool Tables under $2,000!

Many homeowners would like to have a pool table in a lower level room but are hesitant because of a load bearing pole or beam in the way. Don't let this stop you. Most average homes have this obstruction. Here are some suggestions to help deal with that obstruction. Try to set up the your pool table so the obstruction is on a side of the pool table and not on the end. If it must be at the end of the table keep it at the end you break from, not the foot or rack end of the table. A lot more shots are taken from the rack end of a pool table and for break shots, the cue ball can be moved around to avoid the obstruction. If your pole is going to be on the side , try and put it across from the side pocket.  This is the lowest percentage shot in the game and will almost never come into play.

Buy a shorty cue for those times the pole is in your way. Shorty cues come as small as 36 inches in length and are also available in 48 and 52 inches in length. You may want a couple of shorty cues which will give you additional options around the obstruction.  The best selling short cue is called a "trouble shooter" and is specially weighted to feel more like a full length cue stick. 

The pool room you create will also need some accessories such as a rack for your cues, scorers and a place for spare balls. if you are playing a game of 9 ball and you need to set aside the 10 through 15 balls a combination score keeper and ball tray works great. Many of the wall or floor standing cue racks provide these storage options in one compact space. You will want to position these accessories in an area that does not obstruct play in any way. Wall mounted cue racks take up the least amount of space, and also add a decorative element to your pool room.

If the primary use of your pool room is for Kid's you can fit a 7 foot table in a smaller space. Use cues that are only 52 inches in length. This option will provide good quality playing in a room that only measures 188 inches long and 156 inches wide.

The best way to finalize a layout is with blue painters tape laid out in a rectangle on the floor in the room you want to put the table in.  The tape should be exactly the size of the pool table play surface.  Most people should start with the 44" by 88" rectangle for an 8' home table and measure to the walls to see what length cue sticks will work.  always start with 58" to 60" off of an end wall and centered width wise in the room to start taping out your rectangle.  Walk around with the tape measure after the rectangle is taped off to really get  a feel for how much space you have.

Even with obstructions you should be able to use and enjoy your pool room. add some house rules to accommodate shots involving the pole or corner wall that is in the way. The rules apply to all players so use them if needed. Remember its your house so you can do that. Rarely can the addition of a single space in your home be as enjoyable as your own pool room. Have fun!

Previous article Pool Table Dimensions


dina - November 17, 2016

Thanks, ever so much! This info was extremely comprehensive and helpful ?

Don Abbott - November 5, 2016

We’re building a new pool hall and have 15 tables. 12 bar box tables @ 3.5 × 7′, 1 4×8, 1 4.5×9′ and a 5×10 snooker table. The 3 big tables require 1 area that is 18.5 × 43′. Is this correct deminsions for the 3 larger tables?

Gary - October 27, 2016

Have garage 11’ 3" wide and over 20’ long. Can I put in a 4′ × 8′ pool table with a 52" cue" What are your suggestions?

Usman Mian - September 1, 2016

I have 35.5′ × 14′ family room where I want to put a pool table. What size pool table would be a good fit for this size room.


James - September 8, 2013

did not get the answer to my question “what is the height a regulation pool table?”

Wallace Scott - August 21, 2013

Have a small space but would love a pool table, could you help me on finding the correct size of a table for my space, the room is 11.6 X 11.6 the table will be use by adults player.


james rochelle - April 12, 2013

Will a 36" high wet bar be an obstruction when shooting? How much space is needed between wet bar and billard table?

gert - November 4, 2012


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